Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Saturday, 8/11/07: Adventure #3--Kayaking!

Yeeehah! Adventure #3 was my first kayaking trip! MRM and Creston loaded the kayaks on the car top. The plan was to leave both dogs at home, but as soon as Benny saw the kayaks going on the car, he jumped in. MRM kept telling me he loved kayaking but I thought that maybe he just put up with it. Now I believe her that he really loves it.

We went to Wilson Lake that is very nearby. It was near sunset, so the waters were smooth. Apparently, they had been rather choppy earlier in the day. We had to share the boat dock with some motor boats, but they were very kind about it. The look on their faces when Benny jumped into the kayak was priceless. MRM had to answer a lot of questions about her kayaking hound dog before we got out of there.

Kayaking is so fun! And so much easier than canoeing. I fell in love with it right away. We stayed near the water's edge since we didn't have lights on our craft. We got pretty far out when we saw this loon. We later saw another adult and a teenager nearby, so we assume it was all one family. None of the three of them ever did any calling, but some loon somewhere on the lake with a really loud voice made up for their silence. We listened to the call of the loon all the way back into the dock.

As we were loading the kayaks on the car, a family walked by. The mom stopped to talk to MRM and the other three went on. The mom wanted to know all about how to rent a kayak and how to learn how to kayak. The two of them talked for quite a while. I finally finished up my side of loading up and went around the car to where they were talking. "Meet my roommate," she said. "She works at UMF, too!" Turns out, the future kayaker's son is new to UMF this year and the family had come to help him get settled. Pretty soon, the rest of the family came back to get mom and she immediately introduced us to Brian, her son that will be in new faculty orientation with me. It may not quite be a full 5 degrees of Theresa Overall encounter, but it was a fun "small world" event.

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