Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Saturday, 8/11/07: Adventure #1--Top Secret Local Waterfall

Saturday we tried to go pick blueberries but the field was closed. Apparently, there hadn't been enough bees this year to fully pollinate the fields, so the crop was smaller than usual. The woman at the vegetable stand on the outskirts of the blueberry field told us to call the number on the sign. There was a chance they would be open tomorrow.

To help me overcome my sadness of not getting to pick blueberries, MRM planned an afternoon/evening of fun adventures. Adventure number one was a short hike to this gorgeous waterfall very close to town. Only because now I'm going to be a "local" for at least three years, was she allowed to take me on this trail. Last semester, I was just a person from away and I wasn't eligible. ;-)

As you can see, Benny and Elfie enjoyed this hike, too.

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