Meanwhile, did you know there was such a thing as an Ice Strength Table? Check it out! The directions say "Never guess the thickness of the ice. Check it! Check the ice in several different places using an auger or some other means to make a test hole and determine the thickness. Make several, beginning at the shore, and continuing as you go out. Check the ice with a partner so if something does happen, someone is there to help you. If you are doing it alone, wear a life jacket."
Here's where it should start to be obvious, even if you aren't from Maine or didn't grow up in places that have ice over bodies of water: "If ice at the shoreline is cracked or squishy, stay off!" I also liked this piece of advice: "Parents should alert children of unsafe ice in their area, and make sure that they stay off the ice. If they insist on using their new skates, suggest an indoor skating rink."
Modified from the Northeast
Logger Magazine, 1968.
of Ice
Permissible Load for Clear Blue Ice
for humans
person on foot
in a single file
& ATV’s
car (2 tons)
truck (2.5 tons)
Here's some interesting math: "Reduce the strength values by 15% for clear blue river ice." So 2" is safe for 85% of one person on foot? Maybe it's 2.33" to be safe for one person on foot?
And I'm not sure what this means, but I'm fascinated: "Slush ice is only 50% the strength of blue ice."
There's no mention of what to do when the ice is covered by snow.
It turns out, I don't really have to worry about any of this. My motto is: "Stay off the ice unless ice fishing and then trust the people you're with to know if it's safe." And only go ice fishing with someone who does it all the time without consuming adult beverages.