April 14-22 is Spring Break here at UMF. I went back to Dallas for the week and worked at UNT. It was very hectic but I did get to see a bunch of friends and have some fun besides. Then, all of a sudden, the time was up and I was back on a plane to Portland, Maine. Now I only have 18 days and it's back to Texas for graduation (Friday May 11) and a family reunion (May 10-12).
The Dean sent out the email below to everyone in the College of Education, Health, and Rehabilitation while we were on spring break:
------ Message ------
From: Katherine Yardley
Date: Thu, 19 Apr 2007 15:40:10 -0400
Subject: Theresa Overall
Hi All,
Please join me in congratulating Theresa Overall who has accepted the Visiting Professor of Secondary/Middle Education position. She will be assuming Mike Muir’s position while he is on leave. Theresa will be offering the introductory course, in addition to courses in technology integration and classroom management that are part of the Secondary Block.
Please join me in wishing her well!
Katherine W. Yardley, Dean
College of Education, Health and Rehabilitation
University of Maine at Farmington
------ End of Message ------
Looks like there might be 3 more years worth of Life with the Mainiacs and I can't wait!!