Sunday, April 1, 2007

March 31, 2007: Spring is coming!

Look what's budding at our house! These crocuses (croci?) are on the south side of the house.

Of course, winter is trying its hardest to hang on . . .

. . . that's the snow still piled on the north side of the neighbor's house, and there are still big patches of it in our yard, even on the south side. But it's definitely starting to melt.

Today, when I was walking to school, a big red-breasted robin flew in front of me and I could hear lots of birds singing. They say it can still snow in April, and I'm still wearing my long coat on days when that March wind (now April wind) is a blowin'. It was 24 degrees this morning when I got up. In Texas that would NOT be spring.

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