Tomorrow is a fun festival. I wish I could be there to go play. But I'm so excited that I can start a list now of "things I want to do in the summer in Maine" and then next summer, I can do them! I'm creating a new label called "" so I can mark blog entries that mention fun things I want to be sure to do.
Log rolling? Fishing without a license on the day they stock the river with 1,000 trout? Learn how to tie a fishing fly? Try out the newest gear in kayaking? There's so much to do and see that I've never done/seen before! What a blast. And how high tech is this . . . GPS demonstration and lessons.
Here's the flyer that came in email:
Sandy River Festival starts Friday morning
Correspondent Kennebec Journal & Morning Sentinel
Thursday, May 31, 2007
STRONG -- Anglers and paddlers will have to share the Sandy River's bounties on Saturday, but there should be plenty of room for everyone.
On Friday, Maine's Department of Inland Fisheries and Wildlife will stock the river below the Strong bridge with 1,000 trout. Saturday is a free fishing day in Maine -- resident and non-resident licenses are not required.
The Strong Area Business and Civic Alliance and community volunteers have organized the annual Sandy River Festival, with activities beginning at 9 a.m. at the American Legion Hall.
"We're prepared for a day of fun, rain or shine," organizer Milton Baston said.
The 9.5 miles of flat water to the Fairbanks bridge is an easy trip for beginners, he said. A free shuttle will offer a return trip to Strong. This is only one part of the daylong celebration of one of Franklin County's greatest natural resources, according to Alliance president Eileen Miazga.
Baston expects lively competition in the old-fashioned log rolling, a log boom run, a canoe relay and an inner tube race.
"The water might be a bit chilly, so bring a change of clothes unless you're sure you're going to take first place," he suggested. "Don't forget your bug spray, life jackets, and sunscreen."
Northern Lights will offer tryouts of their newest paddling gear. Fly casting and fly tying lessons, the art of canoe poling, paddling safety, and GPS tips will round out the day's activities.
For information, call 684-4429.
retrieved June 1, 2007 from
Hey Dr. Theresa!
Thanks for the cool info on this. I am sick with a virus but will totally be going next year! How is Texas treating you since you returned? Do you miss us Mainers? (not that I technically am one) You should check out my dream of hope blog because no one is :-( I would love any suggestions you have, I have already added it to my signature on all my e-mails. Oh well, I will see you soon in Late August! Cheers for now, Kimberly
Instead of '5 generations,' could you pick a year, instead, to tell me whether I'm a true Mainer? My math skills are fuzzy. What number of years constitutes a 'generation'?
Dear anonymous,
Sorry I can't help out on this one. Everyone's generations are different. If you were the first one in your family tree born in Maine, you would be a first generation. If your parents were first to be born in Maine, they were first generation and you are second. If you continue backwards like that, if your grandparents were the first generation born in Maine, you're a third generation Mainer. So your great great grandparents would have to have been born in Maine and all the generations after that including yourself for you to be a Mainiac (or Maineiac depending on how you spell it). grandparents = 1st gen.
gr. grandparents = 2nd gen.
grandparents = 3rd gen.
parents = 4th gen.
you = 5th gen.
If your great great great grandparents were the first generation born in Maine and every generation after that was born in Maine, then you'd be 6th generation Mainiac. And on and on it goes.
Hope that helps a little.
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