Yesterday, I arrived at Old Orchard Beach around 10:30am and Grace and I worked until 10:30pm. We did take a break for meals, including lobster rolls from Bailey's for dinner!! But pretty much we worked 10 hours. I went to bed, but Grace stayed up. She was on a roll and when that happens, don't get in her way. Turns out she went to bed at 1:30am! This is role reversal for the two of us. I'm usually the night owl and she turns in early.
We were both up early this morning. I'm taking my car in to the Saturn dealer for its 33,000 mile checkup and oil change (and its first Maine inspection, which I forgot to do when I got my license plate). We will brainstorm in the car on the way down there. (Up there? It's about 20 minutes north of Grace's condo but soooo much closer than coming down from Farmington just for the day to get this done.) And we'll work in the nice waiting area that has free wi-fi while they work on the car. And we'll talk some more about work on the drive home, I'm sure.
Meanwhile, if I'm up this early, at least there's going to be a nice sunrise.