It took 3 days to change the window, but this was the plan all along. I couldn't have picked a better day to put up the new window with all that snow going on outside. Even though it's been getting warmer and things have been melting, it's not really spring yet--no matter what the calendar says.
Mainiacs is a revered term, only given to those who are 5th generation (or more) born in Maine. If you were born in Maine but you are 1st - 4th generation, you're a Mainer. Everyone else is just "a person from away". I came to Maine for "just one semester," but now I'm "tenure track" which means I'm here to stay for a while. As I was in those first few months, I am very excited about this adventure and the chance to meet the great people of Maine.
Thursday, April 10, 2008
4/4/08 New Spring Window
4/1/08 April Fool's Day Window
It wasn't snowing on April Fool's Day when I put up this new window, but it was pretty cold. There's a comma after "Spring" but I guess it doesn't really matter.
Fond memories of Easters past
Look what came in the mail! It's a nighttime egg hunt kit! David and Virginia sent it with fond memories of many "Easter Egg Hunts After Dark" from days in Dallas. Someone is commercializing on our idea. But it's such a fun party, I don't mind sharing the concept with the world. This kit has 20 glow-in-the-dark eggs filled with candy and 2 flashlights. I made folks bring their own eggs and flashlights. Then we divided into 2 teams. Team A would count all their eggs, then go hide them in the front yard. Team B would count all their eggs and then go hide them in the back yard. Once all the eggs were hidden, the teams would switch yards and look for eggs. So as grownups, you got to hide and hunt Easter Eggs all in the same night. I had no trees in my yard and not much other place to hide eggs. But when you're searching for eggs by flashlight, it doesn't matter that they're not well hidden. They're still hard to find! So much fun! I hope everyone who gets one of these kits has as much fun as we did.
3/22/08 Easter Vigil
Here's the choir at St. Joseph's for Easter Vigil. There were two new singers that I've never seen before but who obviously had sung with this group in the past. You can also see our cozy choir area. Andrea is at the keyboard, Patty (pink sweater) is our cantor, Ruth and Randy (guitar player) are both backup cantors. There's another choir that sings at the Saturday night mass. During Triduum, they sang Good Friday and Easter Morning and our choir sang Holy Thursday and Easter Vigil.
2/27/08 really damp snow
Look how thick the snow is on the tree limbs! It's so damp, it sticks really well. Fortunately, it didn't get so heavy that it broke tree limbs.