Saturday, July 11, 2015

A lazy Saturday

Ahh, it's a beautiful Saturday morning in Maine. The sun is shining, the high will only be in the lower 80's. Let's just go for a walk around town.

 At the County Court House parking lot, it's the Saturday Farmer's Market. It's not too big--it's Farmington-sized. This is our first food truck to come to the Farmer's Market. This one specializes in burritos with all natural and fresh ingredients...appropriate for our Farmer's Market.

Here's my friend Ashley putting on a cooking demonstration of yummy things that can be made with fresh ingredients available at today's market (including garlic scapes...I never know what to do with those garlic scapes when they show up in my farm share box...she made a pesto with them).

I bought one of those burritos and then walked over to Meetinghouse Park (directly across the street from the Court House and next to the Court House parking lot) and enjoyed some fresh summer air and beautiful greenery while eating my burrito.

A walk down Main Street delivers the good news that the empty shop left from Trask's closing (due to retirement) is going to be filled soon.

A stop to pick up my these original 1936 mailboxes.

Between the old Trask's and the Post Office is a great little grocery store. Tranten's is part of a "chain" of family-owned stores...all 2 of them.

The rider of this motorcycle felt safe enough to leave his/her backpack with the bike.

I stopped at Devaney, Doak & Garrett Booksellers to look at some books but also to buy a ticket to the children's theater camp production of Peter Pan, Jr. They just keep a box with the tickets and the cash under the counter and sell the tickets as a service to the community because that's what you do in a small town.

And all this action is less than 2 blocks from my apartment. I love living in Farmington!

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