Mainiacs is a revered term, only given to those who are 5th generation (or more) born in Maine. If you were born in Maine but you are 1st - 4th generation, you're a Mainer. Everyone else is just "a person from away". I came to Maine for "just one semester," but now I'm "tenure track" which means I'm here to stay for a while. As I was in those first few months, I am very excited about this adventure and the chance to meet the great people of Maine.
Sunday, December 5, 2010
12/5/2010 Chester Greenwood Menu Items
Nobody ordered any while we were there and I didn't feel like eating any of it, so I asked. Earmuff pancakes are poured to look like earmuffs--2 regular silver dollar pancakes and a connecting arch of pancake batter across the top. Pretty fun!
I used a great app, Genius Scan for iPhone, to turn my photo of the menu to this, which looks much better than the photo did.
Thursday, December 2, 2010
12/2/10 Chester Greenwood Day . . . a little early
Wes Fryer is a hero of mine. I listen to his podcasts whenever I can. He knows everything about technology integration, or at least all the stuff I wish I knew. So getting to spend all day Thursday with him was like having my own private professional development day. It was awesome! As we (his delightful daughter Sarah was here, too) toured Farmington, we found $5 Chester Greenwood Day long-sleeved t-shirts on sale at Black Bear Graphics. Very fun. See Wes's post for a photo.
Friday, November 26, 2010
11/26/10 Black Friday....
We had a great dusting of snow on Halloween which I consider the first snow of the season, but I think we had enough today to be considered the first "real" snow of the season. I wonder how long it will stay. I believe this is the earliest snow (real or otherwise) of any winter so far for me.
Wednesday, September 1, 2010
9/1/2010 We've having a heatwave
"On Tuesday, Portland’s high temperature of 94 degrees broke a record for Aug. 31 set in 1969.
"That also put the city in the midst of its first official heat wave since July 1999, according to Steve Capriola, a meteorologist with the National Weather Service in Gray.
"Capriola said a heat wave is defined as three consecutive days with highs of at least 90 degrees. Sunday’s high was 91 and Monday’s was 90."
retrieved from
Yep. A heat wave is defined as three consecutive days with highs of at least 90 degrees. Is that regional or national? It can't be national or else Dallas would be in a perpetual heat wave! hmmmm I need to check this out.
Monday, May 24, 2010
5/24/2010 Interesting Weather
Thursday, May 13, 2010
Texas Office
In honor of Dana, who was worried I was losing my ties to Texas, I am posting photos of my office at UMF which I believe will dispel her worries. You can take the woman out of Texas but you can't take Texas out of the woman (and be sure to notice the bumper sticker on the west wall).
I didn't put a picture of the north wall, which is all bookcases. But I do have a section of books about Texas on my bookcase along with plenty of good UNT publications. Also, on the south side I have a little table and it's filled with Texas knick knacks. Don't Mess with Texas!
West Wall: To the left is the door into the office. The bulletin board looks a little junky but you should've seen it before I cleaned it up! When I put in the filing cabinet, I had to rearrange the bulletin board because part of it got covered up and part of it gets knocked down when you open the top drawer.
But don't worry about that. On this board you can see a picture of bluebonnets (the state flower) taken by my major professor, Gerald Knezek (from Texas), a few Texas postcards, a love note from Randall with a Texas picture on the front of the card, and above the bulletin board is "The Texas Timeline of Awesome Achievements and Events". Their words, not mine.
South Wall Left Side: UNT diploma and PhD tam (hat). On the right side of this picture is my "heirloom" birth certificate. It's a certified copy that is legal. When you get a copy of your certificate, you have a choice of a business copy (traditional, boring, 8.5" x 11") or an heirloom copy. This one was a 50th birthday gift from my mom and dad. How fun is that??!! I love it except for the fact that it's signed by my least favorite governor in the history of Texas. Oh well.
South Wall Right Side: Two UMF awards, a counted cross stitch made by my sister, a Hollins pendant that was my mom's from when she went there. The cool education art work was made by Tracey, a student of mine. And there are two awards that I've earned while at UMF. I guess this half of the wall isn't too much Texas (except for the edge of my heirloom birth certificate).
East Wall: There's a window on the right. So we've got the Texas flag quilt that my sister made and a pencil sketch of the Dallas skyline that Mary S. gave me before I left.
And though this isn't a photo of the office, I thought it appropriate to put here to prove I haven't lost my "Texas-ness". On the UMF Web site are profiles of students. In a Q&A format, they transcribe the interview with the student and you get to know each student and a little about them and a lot about UMF in the process. This is a part of Joel H.'s profile page.