Thursday, April 10, 2008

Fond memories of Easters past

Look what came in the mail! It's a nighttime egg hunt kit! David and Virginia sent it with fond memories of many "Easter Egg Hunts After Dark" from days in Dallas. Someone is commercializing on our idea. But it's such a fun party, I don't mind sharing the concept with the world. This kit has 20 glow-in-the-dark eggs filled with candy and 2 flashlights. I made folks bring their own eggs and flashlights. Then we divided into 2 teams. Team A would count all their eggs, then go hide them in the front yard. Team B would count all their eggs and then go hide them in the back yard. Once all the eggs were hidden, the teams would switch yards and look for eggs. So as grownups, you got to hide and hunt Easter Eggs all in the same night. I had no trees in my yard and not much other place to hide eggs. But when you're searching for eggs by flashlight, it doesn't matter that they're not well hidden. They're still hard to find! So much fun! I hope everyone who gets one of these kits has as much fun as we did.

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