Sunday, April 13, 2008

4/11/08 Dance

Friday night I went to the UMF Dancers' Spring Concert. One of my advisees, Katie Rose, a junior, is a member of the troupe and actually choreographed one of the numbers in the show. It was very cool. The concert was a lot of fun. I sat next to Geoff, a student in one of my classes last semester. He had been to the winter concert and told me that this was the best concert of the year. We both really enjoyed the show . . . a lot. There was a Red Sox game that night and many of the audience members were wearing Red Sox paraphernalia. Actually, that would happen anytime / anywhere in New England even if there isn't a game on, but I overheard several of them talking about the "sacrifice" they made to come to the concert instead of staying home to watch the game. However, I never heard anyone after the concert say they wished they had watched the game instead. There was a little girl on the front row who was watching everything very intensely. During a solo performance that was particularly beautiful, I noticed that she was mesmerized. AND she was dancing in her chair. Her little leg would stick out with a pointed toe, then she'd raise her arm just like the dancer did. She was copying every move the dancer made. It was so cute. I expect to see her enrolled at UMF in a few years and auditioning for the UMF Dancers.

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