Saturday, April 7, 2007

April 6, 2007: Is it tar?

I'm spending Easter weekend at Old Orchard Beach with my team teaching colleague. We're putting together a proposal and decided that it was better to just give up one whole day than to try and pound it out one hour a week every week for many weeks. Last weekend was gorgeous spring weather here at Old Orchard Beach but this weekend, there's snow on the beach and we're wearing long coats. But it's still fun and since we're spending most of the time working inside on computers with the wireless internet access, it really doesn't matter.

So Friday night we're driving the 2 hour trip from Farmington to Old Orchard Beach (which is south of Portland) and my colleague is telling me about the choices she's making and why on our route. Outside of Jay, she says, "If possible, we're going to take Crash Road. If it's tar, we'll take it."

If it's tar? Is that like steak tar tar? No, that means if you can see the tar (i.e., the asphalt), then the coast is clear to take it because it's been plowed. Apparently Crash Road is actually the name of the road but it's also what everyone calls that road.

BTW, the road was tar and we did take it and arrived safely in Old Orchard Beach before sunset.

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