Thursday, January 25, 2007

Central Maine Ice Fishing Report

Yes, that's an official category in the sports section of the Morning Sentinel newspaper. And it's a serious article about the shorter ice-fishing season for this year.

I hope it's still linked:

I guess I'll have to start reading the sports section daily to get the latest ice-fishing report. :-)

Directly above the article was a picture from the 2004 "$150,000 Ice Fishing Extravaganza." It looks like dotted Swiss fabric, but each dot is a person fishing on this lake. It's wild! I wish you could see the photo but I can't find it online. However, I did find the announcement for this year's Ice Fishing Extravaganza. It's in Minnesota, not Maine, but their "Tips for people coming to fish in the extravaganza" is an informative list that gives you a feel for the "sport".

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